Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Never would have before....

As the title says I never would have done this before. It is really amazing how one's attitude can change in such a short time. Just 4 short weeks ago I would have never went on a walk for fun. I mean don't get me wrong I love hiking through the woods and being one with nature. I just never really found it fun just to walk on a sidewalk. To me that was exercise and exercise was.... well evil. Just 4 short weeks ago, when I started this journey I could barely walk down a hill without getting winded much less walk back up it. Today, I started to take the dog out to the little dog park and it was so nice out I decided I just HAVE to take a walk. It was as if my body was yearning for a long lost friend. I enjoyed walking more today than I have ever before and it is an amazing feeling. Like breathing that first big gulp of air after you have been holding your breath for too long. I always knew that my mental acceptance of a "diet/lifestyle change" would be the hardest part. I am glad to know that acceptance isn't an issue because I am full on embracing it!

Oh and by the way, pizza for snack? 400 calories (I have tweaked the original recipe)

It is so good and extremely filling. You can make it with fewer calories I just really liked the pepperoni on it. 

Want the recipe? Ok here it is:

Flat out flat bread 1 bread
Buitoni Pesto w Basil Sauce (red. Fat) 2 tbsp
Pepperoni 10 slices
mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup
mushrooms 1/2 cup

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place pesto on the bread then place the rest of the toppings. Wait to put the cheese on last. Bake for about 5 mins or until cheese has melted. Take out and enjoy. This recipe is roughly 400 calories.
The original recipe came from Prevention's 21-Day Belly Melt. Find more information by visiting it called for different items. I was looking for a little heartier snack since I kind of skimped on breakfast today. If you want the original recipe you can find it here.

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